We are excited to welcome you back to the Ah Louis Store safely!
In a prolonged effort to keep our community safe, we have taken many steps to insure our shop is adhering to San Luis Obispo County’s COVID-19 re-opening guidelines and procedures. All while still providing exceptional customer service to our patrons. That’s you!

We are asking the following of all those wishing to shop with us in person:
- Wearing of Face Covering is Required
- Use Hand Sanitizer Upon Entry
- Maintain Social Distancing
For those who prefer to shop from the comfort of their homes, please visit our online store. We ship nationwide and offer curbside pick-up!
Planning on shopping with us in person? Want to know what to expect when returning to the Ah Louis Store? Follow along on our Instagram “Welcome Back!” highlight real.
Thank you again for supporting our small business during this time, it means the world to us. We cannot wait to see your bright and shining faces back in the Ah Louis Store soon!
Team KBE